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7 Tips That Will Help You Decide What To Do With Your Unwanted Things

7 Tips That Will Help You Decide What To Do With Your Unwanted Things

Try going through the items in your home, and you will find over a hundred things that are just taking up space. A few may have sentimental value or are helpful, but most of them are just things you do not use and probably never will. Usually, people keep these things because they think they might need them in the future or are too lazy to get rid of them. However, holding on to all this stuff can be detrimental to your well-being. It can create a cluttered and stressful environment, leading to anxiety and depression.

Images: Pixabay (congerdesign).

If you are struggling with the decision of what to do with your unwanted things, here are seven tips that will help you:

1.   Make a List of All the Items You Want to Get Rid Of

You will not know what you need to get rid of until you see everything available. Make a list of all the items in your home, including those in storage. This will help you be more organized, making it easier to get rid of things. 

When creating a list, ensure to include each item’s sentimental value and usefulness. Also, consider whether you have duplicates of anything since this can help you to reduce the amount of stuff you need to get rid of.

If you have any valuable items, such as antiques or collectibles, you may want to create a separate list for them. You can sell these items or donate them to a worthy cause. By knowing what to get rid of, you can create more space in your home.

2.   Think About When You Last Used Things

You are more likely to get rid of things you do not use often. If you have not used something in over a year or cannot remember the last time you used it, you do not need it. This is especially true for seasonal items, such as winter clothes or Halloween decorations.

The same goes for other items, such as clothes, books, dishes, and appliances. If you have not used them in a long time, chances are you will not use them again.

3.   Set Some Criteria For What You Will Keep

Not all the items you find in your junk drawer will be helpful or valuable. Most of them will probably be garbage. Before going through your things, set some criteria for what you will keep and what to get rid of. This will help you to be more efficient, and it will make it easier to make decisions.

However, one person’s trash is another person’s treasure, or so the saying goes. But what do you do when you’re stuck with a bunch of unwanted stuff, and you’re not sure what to do with it?

There are a few options: You can try to sell it, give it away to friends or family members, throw it away, recycle it or better donate it. If you decide to donate your items, you need to consider things like transport. 

If you have a lot of stuff to donate, moving this thing from your place to the designated area may be challenging. In this case, you could consider looking for a company that offers pickup services. With a few clicks, you can find a free donation pickup around Fullerton, all you need is to schedule a pickup, pack your items, and they will pick them up. It would be best to ensure that these items are clean and safe for use, as broken items are not acceptable. You can read through the website to see what is acceptable and what is not.

4.   Get an Appraisal For Valuable Things

Some items in your collection may be worth a lot of money, but you will never know unless you get them appraised. It could be a piece of art or furniture that you no longer have a use for. If you decide to sell these items, be sure to research the best way to do so.

If you do not know how to get an appraisal, you can ask a professional or look online. You should also check with your insurance company to see if they have any recommendations. One thing you want to avoid is selling your items for less than they are worth.

5.   Think About How You Will Use the Space

Sometimes, attaching goals to your actions can help you make better decisions. When going through your things, think about how you will use the space once it is cleared out. This can help you to be more ruthless in your decision-making.

For example, if you want to clear out a closet to use for storage, you will need to be more selective about what you keep. On the other hand, if you are trying to clear out a room to use it for something else, you may be able to be more relaxed in your decision-making.

6.   Be Prepared to Make Some Sacrifices

To declutter your home, you may need to make some sacrifices. This means that you may have to get rid of things you love. However, if these things take up too much space or prevent you from using other things, it may be necessary to let them go.

It is also important to remember that decluttering is a process. It is not something that you can do overnight. You may need to make some sacrifices along the way, but eventually, you will get to where you want to be.

7.   Set Aside Time To Go Through Your Things

Images: Pixabay (Kasman).

Do not try to declutter your entire home in one day. This will overwhelm you, and you will not be able to make rational decisions about what to keep and what to get rid of. Instead, set aside a few minutes each day to go through your things.

Start with one room at a time and work your way through the house. This will help you focus and declutter your home more effectively.

Decluttering your home can be a daunting task, but it is worth it. By following these tips, you can make the process less overwhelming, and you can be sure that you are making the best decisions for your home. Remember to take your time, set some criteria for what you will keep, and be prepared to make some sacrifices. With a little bit of effort, you can declutter your home and create more space for the things that you love.

Featured image: Pexels (Sander).

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