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The iPad Musical Shower Curtain

The iPad Musical Shower Curtain

can’t live a moment away from your smartphone or tablet even when you hit the shower? then you seriously got to check out The iPad Musical Shower Curtain. it is shower curtain with a waterproof pocket for your iPad and has a clear, touch sensitive plastic facing the shower which allows you to continue touching and swiping whilst drenched in water and for those die-hard music lovers out there who can’t live a second without music, the shower curtain actually has speakers built into it (located at the upper left and right corners). all you have to do is to slot in your iPad, plug the integral audio cable to your iPad, smartphone, tablet, or media player and you pretty much all set. a little power switch on the cable facilitates the turning on or off of the speakers. speaking of switch, the speakers are powered speakers and does require a trio of AA batteries for it to work.

your can’t-live-without-even-when-showering-gadget is placed into the dedicated zippable pocket from the outside, thereby ensuring that no water will have access to your precious device, so you can have a peace of mind when rocking to the music (or surfing the Net, or chatting or whatever) while you are scrubbing away. a word of warning though: don’t do anything ‘silly’ that would have you becoming an overnight sensation on the Internet. if you know what i mean. i guess this is one product that only super serious gadget/music addicts need to apply. of course, this isn’t the first product in the market that tries to lure your device into the bathroom, but we kind of like the shower curtain idea and also love the fact that you can actually use your tablet while in the shower without a waterproof case and handsfree – though we have to clarify that we are not addicts. you can get yours for $49.95 a pop from Hammacher Schlemmer.

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