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These Are Real Working Espresso Machines Made of Concrete and Kitchen Countertops Material

Anza Concrete Espresso Machine

I am sure there are good reasons why espresso machines are mostly made of steel, but hey, there’s no harm in exploring the use of other materials too, right? I mean, what could go wrong? And that’s precisely what South Berkeley, California-based design studio Montaag has done: they went beyond the traditional material like stainless steel and opt to go with vintage compositions like concrete, corian, quartz, brass and even teak. Teak for a coffee maker is unheard of, much less heavy weights like concrete and stuff usually found its use in kitchen countertops. Along with the raw and unorthodox materials, the Anza Espresso Machines also boasts an exceedingly minimalist aesthetic – none of the complex stuff you see in today’s espresso rigs.

The machine is the fruit of a collaboration between Montaag and Kanen Coffee. Montaag’s Per Selvaag penned the Anza, while Sam Kanenwisher of Kanen Coffee took charge of building the machine. As far as esthetic goes, the result pretty much speaks for themselves and certainly one that’s worthy as an art form. There are two models of the Anza Espresso Machine: one made of concrete, quartz and porcelain, while another is made out of corian, matched with brass and teak. We are obliged to think that the latter will be quite a challenge as corian are typically used as the choice surface for kitchen countertops and known for its durability and toughness. All the whoas and ahs aside, the two examples are perfectly functioning espresso makers. And so, yes. You can actually make espresso with them. Pretty rad right?

We have this thing for the concrete example, but we are also wary of the ‘chips and flakes’ that may be present with raw concrete (and it does look pretty raw to us). That said, we are sure of the odds of these “extra ingredients” being added to our cuppa if one accidentally strike it with say, a cup. Well, we’re just saying… Keep going for a few more look.

via PSFK

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