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Kids Wanted Cash For Christmas, So Dad Make Toy Blister Packaging To Gift The Cash

Cash Christmas Gifts In Special Packaging

Hats off to one father, Twitter user Donnachaidha O’Chionnaigh (@TwoClawsMedia), who got super creative when all his kids wanted for Christmas this year was cash as instead of toys like every other kids.

Donnachaidha felt that, while giving cash is practical, he also felt it to be too “impersonal” and so, he got inventive and made special packaging for those Ulysses S. Grants.

Not just any special packaging, mind you. These are blister packs that mimics packaging of some of the world’s most memorable toys.

If you ask me, I’d say they should be appropriately called parody packaging because, one look, you know are a nod to classic toy packaging of Transformers, Kenner-era Star Wars, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe and G.I. Joe. There is even one modern packaging too, a la-Funko Pop! carton box.

Now, if Donnachaidha O’Chionnaigh isn’t one of the coolest fathers in the world… whom also happen to have the most practical kids in world…

Images: Twitter (@TwoClawsMedia).

Source: Neatorama.

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