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Likebook Facebook Timeline in a Book

Likebook Facebook Timeline in a Book

behold the new age of scrapbooking and you don’t even need to leave a finger to do that. we are talking about the Likebook, a Facebook Timeline contained in a physical book that you can, well, make it as your coffee table book to satisfy the egoistic maniac in you. i don’t have anything useful on my timeline, just a bunch of junks that i shared with whoever cares to know and anyone who has yet to have me filtered out from their page by Facebook’s EdgeRank, and so, the Likebook, though sounds enticing, is not for me. however, for the rest who have a bunch of digital “what’s happening” on their Facebook account, the Likebook seems like a brilliant idea. at the very least, you know you will have a physical record in case Facebook decides to bar you from using them or whatever, plus we kind of like the idea of mixing photos with texts such as quotations, your thoughts and stuff which makes the Likebook so magazine-like.

a variety of content from your Facebook Timeline can be pulled, ranging from status updates, photos and even comments from your friends, and from your desired date range or an entire year if so desired. so in fact, you can actually print a book each year to commemorate your life’s happening. well, if that’s what matters for you. Likebook comes in a choice of soft or hardcover and depending on how much content you choose, each book can range from 25 to 500 pages, and will set you back at anything from $11 to $194. i will be honest with you, i am tempted to take the plunge, but like i’ve said, i have no valuable memories on Facebook, so to speak, worthy of the print. what about you?

Likebook Facebook Timeline in a Book

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