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Steve Jobs in Carbonite iPhone Case – banned!

(image credit: Society 6 via Uncrate edited by mikeShouts)

we spotted one perfect mashed-up case for Star Wars and Apple fans – Steve Jobs in Carbonite iPhone Case. loyal fans of Star Wars will know exactly what it is. but this time round, instead of Han Solo being carbonized, it is the Apple CEO Steve Jobs being ‘carbonited’ and it looks pretty damn cool too. i want one but now, for the bad news. the case, marketed by Society6, is taken off the shelf as “Society6 was issued a cease and desist from Apple’s lawyers”. for those who have ordered. you are a bunch of lucky folks but for those who hasn’t (like me), we just lament that we didn’t and move on.

must Apple always have to be such a spoilt sport? Apple CEO fans has already been deprived of its unofficial action figure, and now, you are depriving them of the iPhone case as well? seriously, if you didn’t tell me, i wouldn’t have known that was Jobs being carbonited. so what’s the issue? Apple really gotta loosen up a little.

Society6 via Uncrate

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