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The Original Snow Plow Croc Charm Attachment: Turn Your Crocs Into A “Snow Plow”

The Original Snow Plow Croc Charm Attachment

Crocs, the ugliest footwear on Earth, was on a decline when it found a new fashion statement: adding accessories or charms to the foam clogs. From there, there are no stopping users from creating pretty crazy things like man’s ball sack and whatnot to decorate the otherwise ugly-ass clogs.

Speaking of which, if you are a Crocs user who, for some reason, enjoys wearing this very exposed pair of footwear in snow-covered winter, then The Original Snow Plow Croc Charm Attachment is for you.

Nothing to say about this bizarre add-on for your Crocs. It is a pair of snow plows so you can, presumably, shove snow off your driveway with your feet. How well does it work or if it actually works is unknown. But from the reviews on Amazon where it is being sold for US$13.99 a pair, this 3D printed in the good’ol US of A attachment feels more like a gag gift. Charming.

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Images: Amazon.

via the gadgeteer.

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