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How Google Molds Ecommerce Practice

How Google Molds Ecommerce Practice

Google and ecommerce have a symbiotic relationship – but it is the California behemoth that holds the keys to most of the big changes in ecommerce practice. Much of the traffic that flows toward ecommerce websites come via Google. When Google makes changes to its features or ranking algorithms, ecommerce businesses have no choice but to sit up and take note. Here are three of the most significant ways in which Google molds ecommerce practice.


By far the largest way in which Google helps to mold ecommerce business practice is by consistently changing its search ranking algorithms. Google frequently makes changes to its ranking system: incorporating more and more advanced machine learning technology to rank sites effectively. Although this ranking upheaval is designed to provide a better User Experience for search engine users, it also has another effect.

Constant changes mean that ecommerce businesses need to continually renew their Search Engine Optimization efforts in order to keep up. Agencies offering SEO services to ecommerce businesses are consistently reorganizing their tactics in parallel with Google’s changing algorithms.

Search Ads

Advertising is one of the main ways in which Google makes money from its flagship search engine. More than 80 percent of the company’s revenue is earned in this way. As the biggest search engine in the world, it can provide mouth-wateringly effective advertising space and has an absolutely huge repository of data available to its strategists.

Search ads are the advertisements displayed before the results of a search based on the keywords that have been typed in by a user. Ecommerce companies can take out search ads to ensure that their page is linked to regardless of their SEO performance. These are usually charged using a Pay Per Click model – meaning that companies only pay Google relative to the amount of traffic that they receive from the ad.

Pay Per Click advertising has made Google a lot of money, and it has also made it easier for ecommerce businesses to ensure lead generation numbers remain high despite search engine performance.

Straight To Checkout 

Google is constantly unveiling new ways to convince ecommerce businesses to play to its rules. One of the ways it does this is by making search engine rankings incredibly important – offering new features that mean top-ranked websites gain more leads. This year, Google unveiled a feature that allows consumers to go from search engine listings to a checkout page in a single click.

For ecommerce business leaders, this provides a huge impetus to cozy up to Google’s search ranking algorithm and take out Pay Per Click ad space on the site. Essentially, the company is making it clear that a good listing on its site is the ultimate way to attract leads, and sales and lead generation are always at the forefront of any retail boss’ mind.

The fewer obstacles between a consumer and the checkout page, the better in the minds of ecommerce leaders. Google is offering a fast track to consumers and a fast sale to vendors – hoping to take on giants like Amazon by simplifying processes.

Featured photo by Mitchell Luo on Unsplash.

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