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Japanese Youths Don’t Eat Tide Pods, They Make Shiny Aluminum Foil Balls

Turning Aluminum Foil Into Aluminum Ball

Unless you have been living under the rock, deep at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, you would have heard about a recent challenge of turning aluminum foil into a solid-looking, shiny aluminum ball. It is quite an amazing stuff, really. Something which I never knew can be done, but as one Japanese youth, YouTuber SKYtomo, shown us, it is totally possible. To cut long story short. SKYtomo is a Japanese youth who posted a video of him turning regular aluminum foil into a shiny, aluminum ball. The process was, naturally, not easy.

It requires some artisanal skills. It involves crumbling some (more like a lot) of foil into a roundish object and using a hammer (or mallet), to carefully “solidify” it and fine tuning the roundness. After which, the newly form, but still pretty rough looking aluminum foil ball goes through a long process of sanding to smooth it down (and also to further fine tune the roundness), followed by a series of polishing to give it an incredible shine. The result is absolutely mind-blowing. Like the plastic food wrap knife before this post, we never knew it could be done.

Left: After; Right: Before. Mind.Blown.

Sure, we know aluminum foil can be squished into a ball-like shape, but one that looks absolutely like a solid metal ball? Not going to lie. Never knew it could be done. SKYtomo video quickly goes viral. His video, posted on YouTube on March 10, has already garnered over 3 million views and sparked a global aluminum foil ball challenge. Though we not quite sure if SKYtomo was the first person to get the ball rolling. But one thing for sure: it all started in Japan. Also, it was something bored youth could do that is a lot more purposeful. The aluminum foil ball is a test of a person’s patience, perseverance, level of attention to detail and how well a person can work his or her hands.

In a way, it is an art. Whatever it is, it is definitely a way better thing to do for youths to burn up their pent-up boredom then say, eating Tide Pods. Just saying…

Images: YouTube.

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