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JMBricklayer Fantastic Idea Western Train Station Bookend: It Is More Steampunk-ish Than Western [Review]

JMBricklayer Fantastic Idea Western Train Station Bookend Review

After years of issuing brick building sets for countless Chinese toymakers, JMBricklayer has embarked on a new chapter: self-developed building sets. For starters, the company has four sets across a broad spectrum of topics. The four sets include the Vintage Car Model A Deluxe Coupe (50001), Fantastic Idea Western Train Station Bookend (50002), Fantastic ldea Cloud Surfing Dragon (70007), and the Botanical Collection-Succulent Set (10001).

We are fortunate enough to have the opportunity to get our hands on one of the sets, the Fantastic Idea Western Train Station Bookend (50002), and I am completely enamored by the concept. Now, the idea of a brick-built bookend is not new, and so is one that is based around a locomotive. But this little guy here is different; it is brick-built set first—with a lot of eye candy, and bookend second.

The set features two sections of a so-called western train station but it really is a retro-futuristic, steampunkish train station. It is, TBH, nothing Western about it. This scene will feel at home in Steam Boy or Around the World in 80 Days, IMHO. The set is not perfect, though.

But before we choo, choo and go “all aboard!” into the details, here’s a rundown of the basics of the set:


There’s a lot to cover here. I will divide it into four key parts, namely, design, build, quality, and bookends. But before that, here’s the obligatory overview of the set. The JMBricklayer Fantastic Idea Western Train Station Bookend (50002) is part of the Fantastic Idea series which mostly involves mechanized animals. But I guess a steampunk-ish station works as “Fantastic Idea” which I assume means fantasy. It is a JMBricklayer’s original design.

This is a medium-sized set with 1,379+ pieces and uses both traditional plastic brick elements as well as Technic-type parts to achieve the build. It has no decals to mess with (yay!). Every graphic and text you see on the set is printed on the elements. That is a major boon to me. I am really NOT a fan of decals because it peels over time which sucks when intend to keep the set for life. I cannot even look at my Spongebob now. He is a disfigured monstrosity now. Ugh.


The set is supplied with a 91-page instruction booklet. Mind you, this ain’t no cheap paper with pages stapled together. It is a perfect bound book. The instruction booklet is JMBricklayer’s typical flair. You know, previous steps are greyed out, detailed steps, and when to flip around. There is also a short intro to how to use the LEGO-style brick separator et cetera. Also included is the said brick separator, and four bags. Each bag contains a few sub-bags. There is no light-up feature which I think will be nice to have. It’s a sin to let the green cylinder unlit. Just saying…


It has a lovely design that leans toward steampunk culture over “Western” design as the product name suggests. I guess the word “western” may mean differently in different regions. In Stateside, it may be the cowboy era while in some countries it simply means a thing of the West. But come on, with the green translucent pieces, the gold/bronze elements, “pipes”, and even chains and faux smoke? This thing set is through and through a steampunk-themed train station, and for that, I am digging it, a lot.


It took me 6 hours and 15 minutes to complete the build. It is not a walk in the park if I can be honest. The build can be finicky at times. There are times when interlocking design is not fully realized. For example, the side wall of the train head side of the station continued to build upwards without any interlocking between the upward building columns.

I have an OCD regarding this kind of build. As it is only secured at the end when it reaches the top (pictured below “2”), I have unintentionally dislodged a column or two by just accidentally brushing against them. Come to think of it, the station at the rear of the train is trouble-free. It is the front where I had some rants.

The instructions direct to build the highest part of the station (3-47 to 3-50) first but that really should not be the case. Once you build the part with the green “pistons”, gears and all as instructed, it hinders the final section where the chains are (3-51 to 3-55). My big digits had problems pushing down the pieces to engage (pictured below “1”).

(1) Once this part is built, it hinders the assembly of the next section; (2) this part does not interlock until the very top.

I had to remove the section from the previous steps to make things easier. And then the chains, which are the coolest part of this build besides the green translucent elements, btw. As per the instructions, I have to create a 19x chain link and an 18x chain link. They are too long. I managed to remove one link out of the 18x chain link and it became snug.

However, I cannot do anything about the 19x because by removing a link, it became too short. The result is a rather sluggish mechanism. This mechanism operates a cam system that animates the chimney up top (also a cool feature). Unfortunately, it is not smooth, often jamming because of the slag the 19x chain has.


Unfortunately, the set does have some quality control issues. Not a lot but I am been pampered by JMBricklayer’s good quality in the past. There are two things in particular. The black axles appeared to suffer from “scarring” like the CaDA set we have reviewed. They still fit, albeit some requiring a bit of effort, but are aesthetically not pleasing. Then again. We don’t get to see them. The thing is the axle with axle connecting holes. Just by looking at it, you can tell one of them has the “cross” slightly rotated. It is not perfectly centered by the result can be quite jarring:

This triggers the OCD in me. Ugh.

As Bookends…

The design is a set of bookends but I believe it can also serve as a decorative bookend rather than actual bookend duty. For starters, it is too light. Then there’s the handling. The train section does not lock into place on the train, and so when you reposition the bookends, you run the risk of, well, a runaway train. And then there is the protrusion like the faux steam and the flexible pipe on the side of the locomotive side of the train station. This will prevent books that are deeper than the set from being bookended with the bookends.

Works for this size of paperback for sure.


My first honest thought was “Wow”. And it is not just me. Same reaction from my wife, sister, and brother-in-law. My sister was enamored by it. Scrutinizing the details and taking pictures of it. So yeah, this set definitely has the wow factor. There is no doubt about it. Truth be told, despite the challenges that I ranted about, I am digging the design. I may be biased because I am all down for steampunk-themed sets.




If you are down, you can purchase the Fantastic Idea Western Train Station Bookend (50002) from the JMBricklayer store on Amazon US for just US$60.95. And if you use the coupon code VIPMIKE15 you can score 15% off the original price. The code has a validity of one month.

As before, you can also pick up the Fantastic Idea Western Train Station Bookend (50002) and other JMBricklayer sets from and use the coupon code VIPMIKE15 for 15% off all non-discounted products. This code has a validity of one year.

Disclaimer: This review reflects our own opinions and experiences with the product. While the product was generously provided by JMBricklayer, this did not influence our assessment or conclusions.

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All images by Mike for

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