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Official Portal Gun Prop Replica

(photos: Hobby Search) Official Portal Gun Prop Replica | ¥12,953.00 |

we have seen awesome example of the fan-made Portal Gun that we literally drool over and we even came across an instruction on how to create one yourself but let’s face it: not everyone is born with the skill set required to create one and that is a fact. sometime, reality comes crashing at you like a massive meteorite (and you being the sole earthling in its path) but that doesn’t mean the under-skilled fans will be left in the cold cos’ the officially licensed full-scale Portal Gun replica is almost a reality. this ¥12,953 (about US$160) collectible lets you to play out the Portal Gun-toting, teleport-happy Chell with its working Blue and Orange lights but that’s pretty much what it does. so don’t go around expecting to get through your bedroom wall to your living’s. both of us know very well that’s not going to happen but at least you know this will be a cool addition to your Portal shrine. unfortunately or not, the pre-order is closed but fear not, cos’ you can always put yourself on the waiting list. check out a few more look after the break.

Hobby Search via Geekologie

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