(credit: ThePropNerds)
if you missed out your chance to own the awesome Portal Gun replica during the last Child’s Play auction, here’s your chance to make yourself one – all thanks to a couple of college students, collectively known as ThePropNerds. their version of the iconic Portal Guns from the hugely popular game, Portal, is based loosely on Harrison Krix’s (of Volpin Props) “first real ASHPD (Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device). so if you are a huge fan of Portal (a game that had me feeling nausea and dizzy), and you get ready to get your hands dirty and follow ThePropNerds’ instructions to create the awesome replica of the Portal Gun. oh, before you head your way to Instructables for their instructions, be sure to check out the video of the Portal Gun in action after the break.
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via Instructables