Already? Man. Time does fly, doesn’t it? Wasn’t it just yesterday we wished you a fabulous Christmas and a racing awesome new year? Dang! A year has past. Anywho, whenever Christmas is upon us, it is also a signal that the year is coming to an end.. like, super soon. Nothing much, really. It is just another year past and a new beginning where most would be celebrating a new beginning for whatever. As for this blog, it is year of ups and downs, but we shan’t burden you with our sob story. You won’t be interested anyways. Lets just say that it (the story) is definitely not going to make it to the Academy even if it was turned into a movie. Trust us. It will be sadder than Days of our Lives.
OK. Enough of sad story that nobody cares. Now, as we were saying… it is a Merry Christmas and good or bad, we want to wish everyone, regardless of beliefs and creeds, a freaking awesome Happy Holidays! May this festive season sparkle and shine, may all of your wishes and dreams come true, and may you feel this happiness all year round. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Keep rocking, keep pushing and don’t forget to keep supporting us!