Clifton Flat Engagement Ring Case

Planning on proposing to your love of your life? Then you probably already have an engagement ring in mind, but you know how those rings are. They almost always come in typical cube-like box that’s wrapped in velvet or suede, or colored paper, if you are the cheapskate kind. Sure it may have different branding, be it Tiffany or whatever, on it or different materials inside and out, they are generally the same, which poses an age-old problem: the box is too obvious, meaning the surprise ends when you pull it out of your pocket. But that won’t be the case with the Clifton Flat Engagement Ring Case. It is an engagement ring case unlike no other. If anything, it looks more like a card case. So when you pull it out of your jacket, your lady would have no idea that there is actually a ring contained within and thus, you get to maintain the element of surprise.

Clifton Flat Engagement Ring Case

Created by Vancouver-based packaging designer Andrew Zo, the Clifton not only offers an alternative to the boring ring boxes, but it is also a super stylish one. It also solves the bulging pants problem, if you were to slip it into your jeans or chinos. But being low profile (the case measures about a centimeter thick) is just part of the beauty; when you open it up, the ring is presented in a delightful flower blooming effect, which kind of adds a unique effect to your proposal. We were suitably impressed and we are sure your lady would be too and in fact, she will probably too mesmerized by the box to notice the fact that you have gotten her a cheap ring. No wait. You really shouldn’t spend anything less than $109, which is what the prices of the Clifton costs.

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Clifton Flat Engagement Ring Case

Clifton Flat Engagement Ring Case

Clifton Flat Engagement Ring Case