Two-point Perspective Drawing Simple Hack

With technology, the art of hand drawn perspective drawing seems to be more a chore than good. However, picking up a pencil or pen and start sketching is probably the quickest way to get your ideas across. Then again, hand drawn perspective can be quite messy because of all the lines you need to plot out and trust me, it ain’t a pretty sight. Coincidentally, I did a couple of perspective drawings recently while planning out the ID for my new apartment and it was a mess. I had to combine Photoshop with hand drawn piece to achieve what I desired. Anyways, long story short, as it turns out, there’s actually a simple hack to make a quick perspective sketch – as shown to us by Instagram user architectdrw, AKA YouTuber George Architect.

By using an elastic string attached to the drawing paper and a paper clip, he is able to create fairly accurate perspective sketch with extreme ease. Like, you don’t even need to set the guide lines at all and to me, that’s just heavenly. The paper clip acts as a handle of sort that allows him to pull the elastic string to where he wants to sketch and that’s that. The only catch is, you won’t be able to use a ruler, unless you have three hands. Oh wait, you actually can adapt it to use with a ruler, so I guess all’s good then. In any case, this hack is brilliant for a quick sketch and more often than not, that’s what you really want. Skip ahead for the said Instagram video, or scroll down further for the full YouTube video which includes one executed with a ruler.

Perspective drawing with thin string:)

A video posted by reza asgaripour (@architectdrw) on

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Image: screengrab from Instagram video.

via Neatorama