4 Things You Should Know About Tummy Tucks

According to the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, abdominoplasty is the fourth most popular kind of aesthetic surgical intervention, having fallen behind eyelid surgery in 2019 (the top two spots are taken by breast augmentation and reduction).

The purpose of the tummy tuck is to remove folds of skin from the stomach area. It’s a popular procedure among new mothers and those who’ve experienced fluctuations in weight which have caused the skin to loosen. If you’re considering this particular procedure for yourself, then you might wish to think about some of its potential ramifications. Let’s run through four of the most significant.

The Downtime

Patients will need to rest and recuperate for up to three weeks following their procedure. Drains will be in place to prevent fluids from building up, and these will require regular care, and they may limit your ability to wash. It can take around a year for you to fully recover, and the full benefits of the procedure won’t be immediately visible during this period.

The Scarring

By necessity, a tummy tuck will result in scarring. The scar will run horizontally across the abdomen, though a skilled surgeon will ensure that it runs across the bikini line so that it isn’t visible unless you’re entirely naked. The scarring will fade over time, but it will always be there.

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You’ll Need Help At Home

During the initial period of downtime, it’s recommended that you don’t lift anything even moderately heavy. In practice, recovering from surgery means being as inactive as possible, which means that you’ll need help around the house. If you have small children or pets to look after, and you don’t live with other adults, then this might be a struggle. Making arrangements to fill the gap, perhaps by enlisting a grandparent or even hiring professional help, might be worthwhile.

Not All Tummy Tucks Are The Same

Aesthetic surgeons typically lump abdominoplasty into three different categories. These range from the mini tummy tuck, which doesn’t actually involve the muscles of the abdomen, to the extended tummy tuck, which removes tissue from the hips, thighs, and back, as well as from the abdomen. Your surgeon should talk you through the options, and make a recommendation based on your circumstances.

The skill of the person performing the operation will also have a massive impact on the ultimate outcome of the procedure. An experienced and reputable surgeon may charge considerably more, but the results that you get may well justify the cost. If you are considering going overseas, you should consider that the regulatory environment might not be the same, and you run the risk of suffering a nightmarish experience.

Featured image: Unsplash (Fabian Albert).