Masayo Fukuda Kirie Paper Cut Octopus

At some point in time in our lives, we all had experienced cutting out bits from a piece of paper to create an image of some sort. Let me assure you that this octopus you see here is not that. This is the next level of paper cutting art. Neither is it a drawing. And oh, yeah, it was cut from a single piece of paper, alright. This form of art is known as Kirie. Kirie is the Japanese art of paper-cutting and it ain’t no child’s art. It involves slicing out negative spaces from a single sheet of white paper with the final art placed against a contrasting background to reveal the image.

Masayo Fukuda Kirie Paper Cut Octopus

This impossibly detailed octopus you see here was created by the talented hands of veteran Kirie artist Masayo Fukuda who have been practicing the art form for a quarter of a century. Masayo describe this particular piece as her greatest masterpiece of 2018 and it is not hard to see why it is so. Man, just look at the thing! The details on it can only be described as mind-blowing. Nothing less. Seriously, are you sure Masayo is human? The level of intricacy is so impossible that it could easily be passed off as a machine-crafted work. Obviously, it is not.

If you are keen (like, why wouldn’t anyone? Seriously), you can check out more of her work on her Instagram page, and if you understand Japanese language, you can keep abreast with her works on her website. Better yet, you can see her Kirie creations in flesh at a joint exhibition with fellow Kirie artists Jun at Miraie Gallery in Osaka from April 24-30, 2019.

Images: Masayo Fukuda.

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Source: Spoon & Tamago.