Private Supersonic Jet Maker, Aerion Supersonic, Is Winding Up
As per the headline, the Nevada-based aerospace company is shutting down. This comes as shock – specially since two aerospace biggies, Boeing and GE Aviation, were Aerion‘s partners.
As per the headline, the Nevada-based aerospace company is shutting down. This comes as shock – specially since two aerospace biggies, Boeing and GE Aviation, were Aerion‘s partners.
Remember Aerion Supersonic’s bold ambitious to create a the first supersonic private jet? Well, the Nevada-based aerospace company has announced a partnership with American aircraft maker, Boeing, to advance its cause. Oh, wait. Actually, it was Boeing whom made the announcement. As part of the agreement, Boeing will provide financial, […]
A typical passenger jet travels at a subsonic speed of between 475 and 500 knots (around 546 and 575 mph), which should take you from London to New York in 6-7 hours. By hours, that’s pretty quick, but with respect to daytime, that’s half of your waking hours gone to […]