Watch This Dude Modified A Boston Dynamics Spot To Piss Beer Into Cups
From the guy who made a Roomba scream and swear when it bumps into something comes the latest in robotic modification: a Boston Dynamics Spot that pisses… beer into cups.
From the guy who made a Roomba scream and swear when it bumps into something comes the latest in robotic modification: a Boston Dynamics Spot that pisses… beer into cups.
There are crazy mods and inventions, and then there is this: a swearing Roomba. “Hacked” by foul mouth YouTuber Michael Reeves, this Roomba is no longer suffering in silence when it bumps into stuff; it now announced its pain verballyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvz3LRK263E. The way this vocal Roomba screams and swears when it […]