what's the relation between an iPhone and a DSLR? none at this point and there's no reason why they should, especially when mobile camera photography is threatening real camera photography. however, somewhere in the...

The ioShutter Camera Remote
(photos: Photojojo) The ioShutter Camera Remote | US$70.00 | www.photojojo.com

what’s the relation between an iPhone and a DSLR? none at this point and there’s no reason why they should, especially when mobile camera photography is threatening real camera photography. however, somewhere in the market, someone has found a mediation – a mediation that makes both of them worked together. meet the ioShutter Camera Remote, a cord/app combo that lets you use your iDevices such as iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch to set up a motion-trigger, sound-trigger, time-lapse, timer, or bulb mode on your camera. all you have to do is to download the free app, plug the cord between your iPhone (or any iDevices) and your camera and fire up the app. nothing magical, cos it just works. though it is not going to be cheap as it goes for $70 per kit. the app is free, though. oh, we said that, didn’t we?