5 Home Improvements That Can Help Reduce Your Electricity Bill

According to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the average electric bill [PDF] in 2021 was $121.01. That’s a lot of money for something you probably don’t even realize you’re using. With the cost of living on the rise, many people are looking for ways to save money. Your electricity bill is a great place to start. You might think you don’t have a lot of control over this, but there are things you can do to lower your monthly bill.

Home improvements are a great way to help lower your electricity bill. These upgrades will reduce your energy consumption without having to make too many changes to your lifestyle. Keep reading to learn more.

5 Home Improvements That Can Help Reduce Your Electricity Bill

1. Switch To LED Light Bulbs

One of the easiest ways to lower your energy consumption is to swap out any incandescent light bulbs for LEDs. While LED bulbs are more expensive upfront, the cost savings on your electricity bill will make it worth it in the long term.

To understand why LED bulbs are more efficient than incandescent bulbs, you need to know the difference between lumens and watts. Lumens are the measure of light that a bulb produces, so more lumens means the bulb will be brighter. Watts is the amount of energy needed to produce the light.

LEDs are more efficient because they use fewer watts to produce the same amount of light. Incandescent bulbs produce about 15 lumens/watt, while LEDs produce about 75-100 lumens/watt. This makes LEDs five to six times more efficient.

When swapping out your bulbs, remember that you will need a lower-wattage LED bulb. If you’re replacing a 60-watt incandescent bulb, you’ll only need a 10-watt LED bulb to produce the same amount of light.

2. Install Motion Sensors

You may have heard that it’s more efficient to leave lights on because it takes more energy to turn them back on than it does to keep them running. But that’s not entirely true. If you’re going to leave a room for more than 15 minutes, it saves more energy to turn the light off.

Motion sensors can help with your electric bill by turning off lights after you leave a room. To maximize your energy savings, program the sensors to turn the light off after the room has been empty for 15 minutes.

Make sure to only put motion sensors in medium or low-traffic areas in your home. In high-traffic areas, you might keep triggering the motion sensors, causing your lights to stay on longer than intended.

3. Use Smart Technology

Smart technology helps you reduce your electricity bill by regulating your energy consumption. Smart thermostats are programmable, so you can set the temperature to change throughout the day. Many smart thermostats can also be controlled through an app on your phone, so you can adjust the temperature as needed while you’re away.

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Not only are smart thermostats programmable, but they also have learning features. They get a sense of when you’re usually home and give you recommendations for settings to help you save energy. They also learn how long it takes to get a room to the desired temperature and use this information to maximize time spent in energy-saving mode.

Another device that can help reduce your energy consumption is a smart dishwasher. They adjust the amount of energy used based on the size of the load and how much cleaning is needed. You can also program smart dishwashers to run at off-peak hours when electricity is cheaper.

4. Buy Energy-Efficient Appliances

Replacing your appliances with more efficient models will yield significant energy savings. You could save hundreds or even thousands of dollars on your electricity bill over the appliance’s lifetime.

In 1992, The US government introduced the Energy Star program. Appliances with an Energy Star rating exceed the minimum standards for energy efficiency.

You often see the Energy Star label on appliances like refrigerators and washing machines. But they rate many other products including:

  • ceiling fans
  • light bulbs
  • smart thermostats
  • televisions
  • windows and doors
  • insulation 

If you’re worried about financing new appliances, there are programs and incentives that can help. Energy Star has a rebate program that can help offset the initial cost. You may also qualify for a low-interest home improvement loan from the government or a traditional mortgage lender.

5. Check The Condition Of Your Roof

Your roof plays a huge role in regulating the temperature of your home. An old, outdated roof could affect your electricity bill by increasing the amount of heating or cooling needed. If your roof is over 10-15 years old, it may be time to consider a roof replacement.

In addition to fixing any damage your roof may have had, you can also take this opportunity to add energy-efficient upgrades. Choose Energy Star-rated shingles to help reflect solar energy and reduce heat transfer to your attic. It’s also best to choose a lighter shingle color to lower the amount of heat your roof absorbs.

When replacing your shingles, you might also want to add a radiant barrier underneath. This will reflect heat away from your home and help reduce your electricity bill.

During your roof replacement, make sure that your attic is properly insulated and ventilated. Insulation will extend the life of your roof and will reduce heat transfer. Ventilation will bring fresh air into your attic and keep extreme heat from building up.

Get Major Savings On Your Electricity Bill

If you want to lower your electricity bill, consider making some or all of these home improvements. Sure, these upgrades cost money but think about how much you’ll save in the long run. Once you start saving hundreds of dollars every year, you’ll wish you had made these upgrades sooner.

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