Apple TV is a nifty little black box that keeps connected folks entertained for hours on end, but being black and tiny, it often blends into the sea of black AV equipment one may have and that’s not to mention the sleek aluminum remote, often gets misplaced too. while ‘blending’ in ain’t a biggie, finding the remote is. the solution? get the two nested cosily in this Apple TV Holder from Tinsel & Timber. not only will it keep the two neatly together, it is also adds some element of style to your otherwise cold gadgets.
other details include a solid wood construction crafted from sustainably sourced American Walnut or Maple – oil and wax finish for aesthetic and durability, 100% Merino wool felt-lined remote control holder keeps the remote scratch-free, finger cut-out for easy removal of the remote, rear cut-out for unobstructed access for rear cords, and cork feet to keep the tray sure-footed. a little nice touch about the wool felt is, it is available in a choice of three hues: charcoal, salmon, or cream.
made in the good’ol US of A and fits 2nd- and 3rd-generation Apple TV. the Apple TV Holder from Tinsel and Timber can be yours to own for $49 each.