Cabin Sleeper Bus From LA to San Francisco

The quickest way to shuttle between Los Angeles and San Francisco is hopping onto a plane which will take an hour twenty or so, but that’s not including the jam you will most definitely encounter when trying to get into LAX and lets not forget about the security checks and stuff. You could choose to take a train which will take a whopping 8 hours, or you could drive, which will put the stress on you for nearly six hours. Until Hyperloop realized, those are pretty much your alternatives, or so we thought. As it turns out, there’s an ‘aircraft’ on the road that will take you from LA to SF, stress-free, in a comfort that you can only imagine previously.

Cabin Sleeper Bus From LA to San Francisco

It is called Cabin Sleeper Bus. Ok, it is a bus, not a Boeing 777 rolling down I-5N and therefore, it will obviously not rocket you from point A to point B in an hour like a plane can do. In fact, it will take as long, if not longer, than a car, but the major difference here is, you can sleep without worries and VERY comfortably. Wait. Don’t other buses and trains let you do so too? Yes, they do. However, the major difference is, you get to sleep lying down, just like you would on a regular bed. In other words, Cabin Sleeper Bus is much like a hotel on wheels.

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Cabin Sleeper Bus From LA to San Francisco

It is not a full-fledge hotel with option for suites and all that due to the obvious size constraint of a bus, but rather, it is more like pod-style hotel that has gain much popularity in Asia. A single bus can accommodate up to 24 passengers with each passenger getting his/her own pod-like accommodation onboard, complete with mattress, sheet and pillow. Proper sleeping quarters aside, complimentary earplugs, free WiFi, coffee and tea are also available to traveling guests. When you are feeling all sore from lying down, guests can choose to chill out and socialize at the lounge. Yes. It even have that. Plus there are full-time attendants to ensure you get everything you need.

Cabin Sleeper Bus is available to shuttle you from LA to SF (and vice versa), and trips are intentionally schedule to run through the night, so you’d get to sleep the night away, or waste any day light on traveling. Perhaps, as equally importantly is, it is not overly expensive. Prices start at $115 for a one-way ticket which includes two pieces of suitcases. Surely, you won’t get that price for a tad comfortable first-class seat on an airplane, right? That’s if they even offer one to begin with. So, personally, I would gladly trade time taken for the comfort.

Cabin Sleeper Bus From LA to San Francisco

Cabin Sleeper Bus From LA to San Francisco

Images: Cabin Technologies Inc.

via designboom.