we love using headphones on-the-go, but we never get around the problem of excess cable that comes with today’s headphones. actually, we did, albeit not in the most elegant way. the Cordli iPhone Case is one that not only offers an all round protection for your precious handset, but also lets you stow the excess headphone cord elegantly. designed with studio headphones like Beats by Dre or Soul by Ludacris in mind, the Cordli iPhone Case is a regular iPhone case, but features an integrated winding grooves at the back of the case that lets you weave 10 inches to 20 inches of headphone cord.
iPhone cases with such functionality is certainly not new, but what Aki Attawia, Cordli iPhone Case creator, offer is attention to detail – specifically, colors. the case is available in a choice of black, white, dark blue and light blue to offer an awesome contrast with the myriad of cord colors like red, white, yellow, popular among today’s headphones. basically, what you will be getting is a case that solves your excess cord woe and looks pretty awesome doing it. available for iPhone 4/4s and iPhone 5 (which, logically speaking, should fit the 5s too).
the Cordli iPhone Case is available through the product’s Kickstarter campaign for $15 and up. as always, being a Kickstarter project, the product will only be realized if the campaign meets its set minimum funding goal. so, go ahead and show your support for this awesome product.