finally, a projection screen that is not at the mercy of lightings. typically, when we want to project something...

DLC Projection Screen 544x260px(credit: DigInfo TV)

finally, a projection screen that is not at the mercy of lightings. typically, when we want to project something we would have to off the lights and draw the curtains in order to have a clear picture. however, that will not be the case for this newly developed projection screen from the Uchida Research Laboratory of Tohoku University. basing on the theory of Diffused Light Control (DLC), this high visibility screen enables projected image to view under normal lighting condition. which means to say that the room lights can continue to be on, allowing attendees to jot down notes or follow a printed materials as the presentation goes along.
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if you have attended meetings and presentation of such, you will definitely appreciate DLC technology projection screen. check out the video after break to hear about this exciting new development. Baku Katagiri of Tohoku University explains:

[quote style=”boxed”]Only light from the projector is diffused towards observers, and excess external light is reflected away from observers, or it is absorbed, so there is no influence from external light, and the screen can display images to observers with the black solid just the way it is emitted from the projector…
Conferences may be held in bright locations, so it will no longer be necessary to draw curtains closed to use a projector. Therefore it can be light enough for people to take notes, and they can also avoid making people drowsy, which seems to be unavoidable when you make the room dark. Also, since clear images can be projected in a brightly lit room, it can also be used for digital signage.[/quote]
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the demo projection screen had seams due to the size of the diffusion panels, however, the seams would be nonexistence if larger diffusion panels are made. Katagiri-san also explains that it is hard to see (the display) under direct sunlight but this is will be the next issue that they will be working on. this development is no doubt a step forward in projection technology and hopefully, the DLC technology could be employed in display screens for mobile devices and LCD TVs. frankly, i, for one, dread those moments where i have view my phone under the sun.

via DigInfo TV