Integrate Online Faxing Into Your Business Applications To Maximize Productivity

Technology that improves business productivity has grown exponentially in recent times. Businesses can now complete more tasks and service more customers in less time, especially when they integrate these different technologies to work with one another.

If your business is in an industry where faxing is a necessity, you might be surprised that this capability can be integrated into your existing software and applications, making communication and collaboration processes simpler and resulting in an increase in overall productivity.

Integrating Online Faxing With Email

You don’t have to rely on just mobile apps or websites when sending online faxes. You can integrate faxing capabilities with your email service app and fax your documents through email. While faxing using email, instead of entering the recipient’s email address, you would enter their fax number. There are simple steps to follow when you fax through email: 

  • Open your email on your mobile device or computer
  • Compose a message
  • Enter the recipient’s fax number in the send-to field
  • Attach the documents
  • Click send

Faxing through email is an efficient way to send and receive faxes if you don’t have a faxing mobile app on the mobile device you may be using wherever you may be using it. And it may be a more convenient method than having to log into and navigate a website to complete your faxing task.

Share Large Files From Cloud Sharing And Storage Apps Using Fax Numbers

Sharing large files or many documents within a business can be an important requirement for collaboration needs. Using cloud-based sharing and storage apps, like Dropbox, Google Drive, or iCloud, allows for that, but some drawbacks exist. These disadvantages can include:

  • A high risk of acquiring a virus or other malware from a remote file
  • People needing access to files may not have an account with the app
  • Syncing may take more time than is necessary to update documents to the latest version
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To avoid the pitfalls of using cloud-based sharing and storage apps for collaboration, you can integrate online faxing to communicate and share documents while still using the app to store documents and any faxes you send and receive.

Any confidential documents you fax will stay safe and secure because communicating through fax numbers is more secure than communicating through the internet and internet-connected devices. Documents sent by fax numbers are usually encrypted and more challenging for hackers to access than public internet connections.

Because of this, cybercriminals won’t put in the extra effort to breach fax numbers because there is no actual usefulness for them to do this. At the same time, you can prevent viruses and malware from infecting your system by sending documents through fax numbers rather than uploading and downloading documents through a cloud-sharing app.

When you integrate online faxing with your storage apps, everyone will have access to the latest version of a document, with all updates available immediately rather than depending on when your sharing apps will sync. In addition, recipients won’t have to sign up or log in to an account when trying to access your shared documents. Everyone will immediately have access to the documents when you send them to their fax numbers.

Integrating Digital Faxing Into Existing Business Apps Improves Security, Efficiency, And Convenience

You can maximize the benefits technology offers your business by integrating your existing business apps to transform your company into a formidable, efficient machine. If you are in an industry that depends on everyday faxing to collaborate with colleagues and employees, you should know that you can increase the security, efficiency, and convenience of fax communication and collaboration by integrating your online faxing methods with other business apps.

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