Opeongo Aerial A1 Tree Tent/Hammock

One of the non-perks of camping is the damp ground. That and those native creepy crawlies that tried to bunk in with you. I don’t appreciate that and if you don’t too, Opeongo Aerial A1 Tree Tent/Hammock is the solution.

Opeongo Aerial A1 Tree Tent/Hammock

Obviously, off-the-ground tents are not new; we have seen a number of solutions, including a few similar ones. So, Aerial A1 is just another candidate for your consideration if you are in the market for a suspending tent/hammock. The key selling points of Aerial A1 is Opeongo’s unique, slackline-inspired suspension system:

“By wrapping high tensile webbing straps around the tree and pulling them back from both sides of the trunk the AERIAL is able to achieve a four point connection system. Using this four point system, along with tension and two spreader bars we are able to create a sturdy, flat platform that feels most similar to a high quality cot. The webbing also provides spring like a mattress that helps absorb movement without being tippy.”

Opeongo Aerial A1 Tree Tent/Hammock

The result is flat sleeping surface that lets you sleep however you want. On your back, side, or laying face down – you name it. In the event there is only one tree, you can back your roof rack-equipped vehicle and use it as one other end.

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If the land is completely barren, Aerial A1 can be set up on the ground like a traditional tent. Now, that’s one awesome selling point.

Opeongo Aerial A1 Tree Tent/Hammock

You can learn more about Opeongo Aerial A1 on Kickstarter where you can also pre-order it for 419 Canadian dollars (about US$301). The campaign is funded. All there is left now is for Opeongo to deliver in September 2020.

Images: Opeongo.