Search Results for: Cargo Bike

myLIFTER Smart Lifting Device

myLIFTER Smart Lifting Device

fancy using your smartphone to control every aspect of your life? if the answer is a resounding ‘yes’, then you are in for a treat. you can now use your trusty smartphone or tablet to do some lifting too and the device to do so is this myLIFTER Smart Lifting Device. mechanical lifter, motorized or not, is not uncommon and some may already have them installed in their garages,

Chrome Chekhov Utility Belt

Chrome Chekhov Utility Belt

Batman, in his frictional fantasy world, has his trusty, contain-all utility belt, but in a real life, everyday folks like us do not have such a luxury. the least we could have, and we dare say the closest thing we can get to that magical contraption, is probably the Chrome Chekhov Utility Belt. granted that it looks nothing like what the Cape Crusader has

Wingz Bicycle Rack

want to ferry something with your bike but do not want a typical basket to spoil the sleek form of your pedal-powered two-wheeler? then the Wingz Bicycle Rack might just be the bicycle cargo rack for you. attached to your bike’s seat post using simple dual-screw clamp system, the Wingz features a pair of thin, adjustable bars that hold up to 11 kg…

Faraday Porteur Electric Bicycle

today’s electric bikes may look a wee intimidating to some rider or too loud not for everyone to take notice (crooks, included), which might lead it to be jacked while its rider stepped away to grab a cup of coffee. yes, you could loose a precious bike as quick as getting a cup of joe. what if you could have a classic bike that has the sophisticated…