you know what's turning people away from 3D TVs? it's the glasses. not only majority of them are uncomfortable to wear but they look pretty mundane at best. if we were in the dark theater, we probably can give the style factor a miss and besides, we don't own the glasses anyway, so we can't really do anything about it. however, if you are using it home...

Sony TDGBR750 Titanium 3D Active Glasses
Sony Titanium 3D Active Glasses | US$72.99 |

you know what’s turning people away from 3D TVs? it’s the glasses. not only majority of them are uncomfortable to wear but they look pretty mundane at best. if we were in the dark theater, we probably can give the style factor a miss and besides, we don’t own the glasses anyway, so we can’t really do anything about it. however, if you are using it home, that’s a whole different story. if we have a choice, we’d go for something like the Sony Titanium 3D Active Glasses (TDGBR750). it is the best we have seen to date, well, at least it doesn’t make itself looks like Oakley shades or some Gucci eyewear, or worst an eyewear that jumps out from Hairspray. it has the look that lean towards ‘space age’, so to speak. as the name suggests, it is made from titanium which is not only lightweight but also looks fantastic. this Sony item boast an ergonomic design for comfort (important if you are having a 3D movie marathon), excellent color accuracy, high contrast, wide viewing angle, and a battery that gives 3 hours of usage with just 5 minutes of quick charge, or charge it for 40 minutes and get around 15 hours of runtime. awesome stuff. you can get yours for $72.88 a pair. click on the above image for larger view.