Six years. That’s how long since Escape The Room was introduced to the world. If you haven’t gotten yourself into the game, perhaps this is a good time to do so (if you are in the U.S.) because, South Park-themed Escape The Room, South Park: Cartman’s Escape Room, is here. But that, of course, is only if you are a fan of the crude, definitely not-for-children cartoon series where Kenny gets killed almost every single episode and poop talks.
If you don’t know what Escape The Room is, it is basically a puzzle game where a group of people band together to escape from room to room to eventually get out of the maze of sort. Participants will be locked in a room and the only way they can get out of the room is by solving puzzles, ranging from finding hidden objects to using a given object in an unconventional way.
The concept remains the same for South Park Escape The Room, but this time, your team will have solve a series of “maddeningly challenging puzzles” conceived by the twisted mind of Eric Cartman. And time is of the essence as you and your team will only have an hour to do so. I am guessing knowledge about the series helps. I am not sure.
South Park: Cartman’s Escape Room opens on May 15 at Escape The Room Chicago and it will soon propagate to other major cities, including New York, Denver, Los Angeles, Boston and Dallas. For those who in and around Chicago, or visiting Chicago, you can book an appointment on Escape The Room website.
Images: Comedy Central/Escape The Room.