
Braven 855s Rugged Portable Wireless Speaker

Braven 855s Rugged Portable Wireless Speaker

rugged portable wireless speakers are a dime a dozen but as portables, they can be quite small for the liking for some folks and so we thought the Braven 855s Rugged Portable Wireless Speaker might just be able to fill that void.the 855s is bigger, measuring 10″ x 4″ and has a full 20W of audio bliss. but setting itself apart from the sleek 850

Braven 850 Bluetooth Speaker

Braven 850 Bluetooth Speaker

the influx of portable Bluetooth speakers can be quite off putting at times, because some of us needed something with a bigger sound then some puny single digital wattage for output. if portable big sound is what you on to, then take a look at the Braven 850 Bluetooth Speaker, the newest addition to the Braven family with full 20 watts of audio bliss