
Replaceface Prints

Replaceface Prints

at some point in this life, you have probably imagined what you would look like if you were a person in the era long gone by (probably ridiculous) but have you ever imagine how today’s pop icon like Bill Murray, Steve Jobs, David Bowie and the likes, would look like clad in old Russian ceremonial military uniforms? will they look anything like a chivalrous commander that you would gladly followed into a battle?

Click and Grow Smartpots

we suspect many of us, geeks included, has the green thumb if weren’t consumed by the technological advancements. that and our urban dwellings sometime do not permit us from showing off the greener side of ourselves but fear not, even if you do not have a huge yard or a dedicated greenhouse for you to wield your talent in nurturing the greens, you can…

UNKL-Master Wall Frame

remember View-Master? i guess most of us do. depending which era you have been exposed to this clever stereo images viewing contraption, your memory of it might differ. regardless, mostly will be fond memories – unless you were in the military and were using it to identify aircrafts and ships or for range estimation, which doesn’t sound like much fond…

Anti-WiFi Wallpaper

are you paranoid about scheming neighbors who will take every chance to freeload on your WiFi even if you already password protected it? well, good news for you paranoia folks, researchers at the institut polytechnique Grenoble INP and the Centre Technique du…