Writing Material

The Pen by AJOTO

how much time did you spend with a pen over the last few months? probably not much and even if you did spend a lot of time, it is probably with an uninspiring, plastic implement – not exactly something any style-conscious folk would want to be seen poking out of their breast pocket. as far as class and style are concerned, you could go for the Rolls Royce class…

Graf von Faber-Castell Perfect Pencil

you already paid top dollars for a roller pen, why not do the same for pencil? well, that’s assuming that you still have the need for one. but there are a few ‘issues’ associated with a traditional pencil: first, we hate the unavoidable chore of sharpening these age-old writing instrument cos’ we can never seem to locate our pencil sharpener when we needed one; second, even…