(image credit: Bongyoel Yang)
with movies like 2012 (Columbia Pictures, 2009) depicting the impending effect of global warming which would result in rising sea level all over the world, it’s best to equip with some form of water craft in the house to aid your survival. you can’t possibly park a yacht in your house. besides, even if you can, the yacht will serve no purpose in no flood situation. unless you have the habit of boating at your local lakes.
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here’s an idea solution from designer Bongyoel Yang: a Boat Sofa. in time of non-disaster, the boat dutifully performs its task as a sofa. and when the land gets a little too wet to handle, you can always remove the cushions and beneath lies a completely functional, buoyant boat complete with real oars. how’s that for ‘in case of Emergency’?
via Yanko Design