Why GRE Score Can’t Predict Your Success In School

Graduate record examinations, or GRE, is a standardized assessment taken by individuals who are keen on attending a graduate school program. It is usually a part of the admission process in many graduate schools, particularly in the United States and Canada. This test was established in 1936 and at the moment, it is owned and administered by the Educational Testing Service. While it may be mandatory in some graduate schools, GRE solely cannot predict your success in school for the reasons listed below.

Why GRE Score Can’t Predict Your Success In School
Image credit: https://pixabay.com/vectors/graduation-cap-hat-achievement-309661/

1. GRE Doesn’t Measure Pro-Activeness and Participation

One of the primary reasons why your GRE score won’t be able to predict your success in school is that it only evaluates your verbal and quantitative reasoning, as well as your critical thinking and analytical writing skills. However, it doesn’t measure behavioral skills such as your proactiveness and initiative, which are both essential to thrive in grad school. In this case, you can explore grad schools waiving the GRE if you have a good undergraduate GPA. Some doctorate programs also waive the GRE score requirement because, in these courses, practical skills are more essential.

2. GRE Won’t Be Able to Aid You in Practicing a Professional Approach in Your Studies

Another reason why GRE can’t predict your success in school is that a professional approach in your studies is necessary for you to be able to thrive. This is not measured in a GRE assessment which is why GRE alone is an insufficient measure of your grad school success. To make it to grad school, you need to build key skills such as organization, preparedness, and collegiality.

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3. GRE is a General Test That is Not Specific to Program Requirements and Timelines

GRE is only a general assessment but it is not specific to any program course with detailed requirements and timeline. To come out victorious in grad school, you need to know your program requirements and timelines by heart. This includes your coursework and comprehensive or qualifying exams, as well as research thesis or other major projects.

4. GRE Alone Cannot Help You Establish a Positive Relationship With Your Colleagues and Peers

Finally, establishing a positive relationship with your peers is another key in helping you make it through grad school. How you handle your relationship with others is not assessed in GRE, which is why GRE alone won’t be able to measure your success in grad school. While making it through grad school is a sole effort, the help of your colleagues and friends will help you keep going.

Why GRE Score Can’t Predict Your Success In School
Image credit: https://pixabay.com/photos/graduation-cap-graduation-tassel-3496154/

While GRE may prove to be essential for admission into a graduate program, it won’t necessarily predict your success in school. The reason behind this is that GRE can’t measure pro-activeness and participation, nor will it be able to aid you to practice a professional approach in your studies. GRE alone is insufficient in establishing your course timeline, and cannot also be used as a basis to establish a positive relationship with your peers. GRE may indeed be important but remember that other more significant factors can affect your success in school.

Featured image credit: https://pixabay.com/photos/woman-library-books-study-read-3435842/