4 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Make 2018 Their Year

Whether you have been working at getting your startup off the ground for awhile, or you are ready to take the plunge and open your own business, you are more than ready to become a full-fledged and successful entrepreneur. You have the passion and the product — now you need to get that dream of yours up and running. Fortunately, thanks to a solid combo of technology, self-development and other tips, there are plenty of ways to ensure that you will thrive in 2018.

Check out the following ideas:

Invest in a Killer Laptop

Huawei MateBook D Laptop
Image: Huawei.
If your laptop is on the old side and tends to freeze up and lose its connections on a daily basis, it is definitely time to upgrade to a new one. As a budding entrepreneur, there will probably be plenty of days when you are working at remote locations, and/or the last thing you need is to have it crash when you are in the middle of creating invoices or an Excel spreadsheet. When shopping for a new computer, look for a laptop platform that is always on and always connected. For example, the Snapdragon 800 series mobile laptop platforms from Qualcomm are both power efficient and high-performing and feature highly reliable 4G LTE connectivity.

Consider Blockchain for Money Transfers

Consider Blockchain for Money Transfers
Photo by David McBee via Pexels.
Blockchain promises to be more popular than ever this year, and more and more companies will use this innovative technology to help with money transfers, automate contract and other tasks. As a bonus, since the blockchain is decentralized, it has a built-in method for detecting threats, which means it offers security against cybercrime and fraud. With the rising popularity of cryptocurrency, using blockchain can help entrepreneurs like yourself thrive by offering your clients a way to transfer funds in a way that not every company offers.

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Visualize Your Goals

Visualize Your Goals
Photo by Pixabay via Pexels.
In order to make 2018 your year as an entrepreneur, start visualizing your business-related goals in a very specific way. As Neil Patel notes, instead of telling yourself “I want to have a successful startup,” focus on something more actionable like “I will be successful by starting a business that solves a specific problem for people.” Next, tell a trusted friend or mentor what you hope to achieve in your new company, and if you like visual reminders, either take pictures of things that represent your business goal or look for images online that will inspire you. Write down what you want to achieve with your new company, or if it’s more useful for you, create a flow chart or other type of graphic that will let you get your ideas out of your head and onto paper.

Learn the Subtle Art of Self-promotion

Learn the Subtle Art of Self-promotion
Photo by Negative Space via Pexels.
It can be challenging for budding entrepreneurs to toot their own horns. You probably know at least one blowhard who talks non-stop about herself and her new company, and you don’t want to turn off potential customers with the same type of talk. Actually, there is no reason to be egotistical when self-promoting your company, and when the chips are down, if you don’t talk up your new business, who will? You are passionate about your startup, so it’s okay to share that enthusiasm with others. Come up with a short “elevator pitch” to let others know about your new company, and let others know about the success stories that you have already had.

As the saying goes, there is no time like the present. You have thought about this for long enough — it is definitely time to get your new business up and running. Thanks to innovative technology and payment methods and a good dose of self-promotion, you can definitely thrive in 2018.