Phyn Smart Water Assistant

Are you super serious about keeping taps on your water usage? Well, if so, then perhaps Phyn Smart Water Assistant may be of interest to you. Now before we proceed, I do not claim that it works as advertised. However, Phyn Smart Water Assistant is interesting enough that we felt that you should know about it.

Phyn Smart Water Assistant is a single, Wi-Fi-connected device that you can easily retro to fit under a sink. Once it is installed and connected to WiFi, Phyn Smart Water Assistant is able to detect leaks, if there are any. Detecting leaks is not the only thing it does. It is not called ‘smart’ for no reason.

Phyn Smart Water Assistant

Claiming as a first-of-its-kind smart home device, Phyn Smart Water Assistant is the first smart water product that lets you on how much water each water-using fixture and appliance user in your home, thus allowing you to track your water consumption and even pinpoint areas of excess water use – all from under a lone sink which it is connected. I know, it sounds crazy that a little device like this can do such wonders.

I was skeptical too, but Phyn has science to back it up. Apparently, every drop of water that flows out of whatever fixture creates microscopic pressure waves that resonate throughout the plumbing system at 4x the speed of sound.

Phyn Smart Water Assistant

Long story short, Phyn Smart Water Assistant picks up the microscopic pressure pattern unique to each water-using fixture and appliance and enables it to identify what is using water and subsequently, track how much water is used for each outlet. Here’s a list of what Phyn Smart Water Assistant can do and its features:

• DIY-Installed: No plumber required, the Phyn Smart Water Assistant is easily installed under any sink and attaches to the hot and cold water lines.
• Alerts: Real-time mobile notifications alert homeowners to all types of leaks. In the event of a major leak, Phyn can connect homeowners to a local plumber in minutes.
• Monitor water usage and save: Homeowners can track and view water consumption to get ahead of water costs and see how their home compares to others. Over time, Phyn learns a home’s system and shares water usage down to each fixture.
• Freeze warnings: Phyn’s patented pressure-sensing sees ice crystals forming in pipes before they have a chance to freeze and burst, allowing for precious time to take action and avoid damage.
• Diagnostic Plumbing Checks: Turn off water at the main, run Phyn’s Plumbing Check feature and in minutes homeowners can detect a range of hidden flaws like poor seals and pinhole leaks in a home’s water system. Proactively finding and fixing little leaks like these can save up to 10% on water bills while preventing larger issues down the road.
• Smart home integrations: Phyn works seamlessly with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. And with IFTTT, users can have Phyn trigger actions with other smart home devices.

If you think Phyn Smart Water Assistant is something you need in life, you can pre-order it today from,, and The product is slated to hit the U.S. markets in late September at Best Buy stores. Phyn Smart Water Assistant sells for $299 with no additional subscription.

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But as far as leaks go, Phyn Smart Water Assistant can only detect them. When it comes to rectifying the problem, you will have to turn to a good’ol plumber, such as a plumbing service in Caringbah, if you are in Caringbah, or roll up your sleeve to do it yourself.

Phyn Smart Water Assistant

Images: Phyn.