(image credit: BAE System)
head-up display or HUD integrated into a helmet isn’t new news but one that lets the pilot sees, lock-on the target and unload it’s payload on its target is something new. besides displaying information such as speed, heading, and height, the BAE System‘s Helmet Mounted Symbology System for Eurofighter Typhoon enables pilot to look at multiple targets, lock-on them, and prioritize them via voice command.
the best part is, the pilot not only can do that visually but also by checking out the targets by looking at the Eurofighter Typhoon radar display, effectively letting the pilot ‘see’ through its own aircraft. with this advance helmet, the pilot no longer need to have a field of view of the targets or point their aircraft in the direction of the the targets for engagement which would cut the time on maneuvering the aircraft to line up with the targets. as long the radar ‘sees’ the targets, the Eurofighter Typhoon can now engage the targets – which is kind of creepy. so don’t be too happy if you are out of visual sight from a Typhoon.
the helmet also displays the precise position of any enemy aircraft or missiles – an extremely vital information during an air combat. the Helmet Mounted Symbology System is expected to go into service with the UK’s Royal Air Force this year.