there are LEGO collectors and then there are the LEGO artists. whichever category you falls under, you will most certainly appreciate what Beautiful LEGO (No Starch Press, ISBN 978-59327-508-2), authored by internationally acclaimed LEGO artist Mike Doyle, has to offer. this 280-page paperback book showcases an array of LEGO artwork ranging from incredibly lifelike replica of everyday objects and famous monuments (such as Harley Davidson motorbikes, synthesizer, typewriters and more) to imaginative creations of spaceships, mansions, mythical creatures and even movie and pop culture icons such as Iron Man and Alien creature.
this definitive LEGO literature also includes interview with artists (Nannan Zhang, Nathan Sawaya, Arthur Gugick – just to name a few), taking you through some of the creative process that turns seemingly unassuming tiny little bricks into awe-inspiring work of art. the Beautiful LEGO by Mike Doyle is available for pre-order for just $17.97. take a peek of what’s inside the book in the sample gallery below.