Digital Nomad - How to Make it Possible

For a lot of freelancers and small business owners, the ability to work remotely is a dream. Sitting on a beach in Bali or working in a cafe in Cali, sending emails and making money before winding your way to a beach or remote countryside spot for the afternoon represents a truly tantalizing possibility. Now with the rise of digitization, this dream is becoming more and more of a reality.

If you are looking to make the jump and become a digital nomad, it is worth thinking through certain steps before making that crucial decision. After all, a few nomads live to regret it. To avoid that, read on below for our advice!

Digital Nomad - How to Make it Possible
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels.

Make Life Easier With An Integrated Computer Service

You’ve become a digital nomad to enjoy life. So, take the boring admin out of securing your website or business digitally by investing in an all-in-one package courtesy of Integrated Computer Services. They can help to manage your IT services for you, leaving you to focus on the finer things.

Set Up A Remote Post Box

Even if you work one day in Argentina and another day in Austria, you still need some physical place that people can send you letters and post. That’s why we recommend setting up a post box that can be your address — whether it is for your website, personal or business mail — no matter where in the world that you are. Services can take letters that are delivered to a registered post office and email you the scanned letters, meaning that you never miss an important update.

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Buy A Dongle

Many of us have ventured out to cafes or restaurants to work only to be confronted by a common enemy: dodgy Wi-Fi. Not only do open networks leave you open to scammers and hackers, but their shoddy internet connectivity can also seriously impact your business. To avoid large out-of-pocket mobile data fees too, we would recommend investing in a dongle. With data plans starting for as low as $30 a month, they can help you do your business almost anywhere in the world.

Consider E-Residency

You may become a citizen of nowhere, but that doesn’t mean that your business has to be untethered. Countries such as Estonia now offer the possibility to register your business in the country and have access to their government tools without ever needing to step foot in the country.

Nonetheless, it is worth pointing out that if you’re an American citizen, you will still be obligated to pay tax to the USA no matter where in the world you are hiding, so make sure that you have set up your double-taxation policy correctly.

Stay Connected To Friends And Family

While the life of a perennial ex-pat seems like a truly romantic one on the surface, being away from everyone can take a certain toll on your mental health. That’s why it is important to always check in with friends and family. Set a weekly date for calls on Skype or Zoom, tell them what you’re up to, and lean on them in times of difficultly. You may be physically apart, but with the power of the internet, you don’t have to feel far apart at all.

Featured image by Matthias Zeitler from Pixabay.