Edelkrone ORTAK FlexTILT Head 3D

Here’s an interesting development in the world of photography. Camera mount maker Edelkrone is set to disrupt the camera/photography accessories market with a new line called ORTAK. What makes ORTAK radical is, it adopts a co-manufacturing philosophy that lets you download and 3D print the product parts published by Edelkrone and purchasing the CNC machined aluminum parts which you can then put together at home.

Edelkrone ORTAK FlexTILT Head 3D

Edelkrone envisioned that every house in near future will have a 3D printers and hence, ORTAK. Edelkrone anticipates that this co-manufacturing methodology will decrease the cost for both consumers and the company, and also reduce the return on investment (ROI) time drastically. FlexTILT Head 3D, which is based on the company’s FlexTILT Head 2, is the first product from this line.

“The company emphasizes that ORTAK products will be as fully functioning, durable and long-lasting as the originals for a much lower price. Customers will be able to customize the colors of the parts and get a better return on investments for their 3D printers. The good part is that if for any reason a part breaks, users will print their own spare parts.”

Edelkrone ORTAK FlexTILT Head 3D

I would imagine the quality of the product will only be as good as your 3D print quality. The upside is, you totally have control over the material(s) and the color(s) of the product, thus allowing you to make a one-of-a-kind look pan and tilt solution. And I definitely approve that. FlexTILT Head 3D is just the beginning. Expect more ORTAK products to come your way.

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If you are down, you can pick up the FlexTILT Head 3D for a modest $29. If that’s not enough of a bargain, you’d be getting free same day shipping, worldwide.

Images: Edelkrone.