Got A Love Nest? Furniture You Need To Invest In

When you are moving into your first place together, whether you are young or old, you will want it to be somewhere where you can relax, and spend romantic evenings together. Often known as love nests, these spaces are perfect for younger couples to spend their spare time together, planning a family, or simply having fun. So, you may be wondering how you can turn a small, studio flat into a love nest. Well, the key is furnishing, and here are some items can buy to create a cozy love nest.

Got A Love Nest? Furniture You Need To Invest In
Image by ArthurHidden on Freepik.

Soft Furnishings

There is more to soft furnishings than pillows, but, of course, those will play a part if you are looking to create a love nest that is a bit comfier. Soft furnishings can and should include the standard large, comfy pillows, lots of throws that are made from a range of materials, and, of course, bean bag chairs for couples. The latter will be large enough for you both to cuddle in and relax in when watching films. Perfect!


It sounds obvious, but when it comes to putting your love nest together, you need to get a good, sturdy, high-quality bed. Make sure it is large enough for you both to sleep comfortably, and make sure you have a squishy but supportive mattress and some memory foam pillows. It can be a good idea to experiment with different kinds of soft furnishings, so try different types of duvet covers. For a more sensual evening in, opt for satin. For a more comfortable night in during a warm spell, opt for cotton, and, of course, during winter, why not try faux fur? You need to be comfy, after all! 

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Intimate Dining Table

When it comes to furnishing your love nest, you will need somewhere to eat too. So, what kind of table should you choose? Well, a huge, long table is not really going to do it, as this will spread the pair of you apart, which is not really what you want. Aim for a smaller, more intimate dining table where you and your partner can hold hands, kiss or even feed each other. Just make sure you don’t put too much weight on these tables, such as lots of trays and plates of food, as this can cause them to break or give out under the weight. 

Of course, they can support a candle or a small candelabra, which can help to set the mood. 

Dressing Table

Who doesn’t like a dressing table? These simple and large spaces dedicated to self-grooming are perfect for couples who like to look their best and add a touch of sophistication and elegance to any room that they are in. They will also have space for make-up, aftershave, perfume, and jewelry in the associated drawers, so you won’t need to rush around the room when you are trying to get ready for a romantic dinner out with your beloved.

Soft Lighting

Mood lighting, or soft lighting, is a must when it comes to a love nest, as bright lights are not romantic, and candles can be a bit irritating when they burn out! There are so many different lighting types that you can choose from, but most people want to have adjustable or dimmable lighting that you put next to the bed. So, for this, it may be best to look for wall-mounted sconce lighting that may or may not need to be wired. Indeed, you can now get wall-mounted lighting that is chargeable and removable, making it ideal for adding a touch of romance to a rented space.

Featured image by wayhomestudio on Freepik.