once you have your own house to call your own, you will bound to chalk up an impressive amount of home improvement tools. you know, the essentials like screwdriver...

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(image: Kelvin Tools) Kelvin.23 | US$25.00 | kelvintools.com

once you have your own house to call your own, you will bound to chalk up an impressive amount of home improvement tools. you know, the essentials like screwdriver, measuring tape, hammer and probably a leveler. if you have yet to amass such a huge a collection like me, perhaps the Kelvin.23 is a tool worthy consideration before your wife starts questioning your growing number of tools. granted that it probably won’t solve every single situation but you can be assured that common chores like screwing of common screw types, leveling, measuring, and hammering are covered. it even has a handy magnet to pick up tiny metal bits like screws, and a LED light for working in low-light situation.
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the best part is, it all fits into the palm of your hand. so lugging around heavy toolbox around the house to deal with minor home improvement could be a thing of the past and what’s more, it has sleek look despite being a multi-tool. constructed of cast aluminum body, it also feature an ABS handle with rubber touch coating for ease of handling. last but not least, for every Kelvin.23 purchased via Kelvin Tools website, $5 will be ‘microloaned‘ to woman entrepreneurs in some of the world’s poorest countries. a coupe more images and a product video after the break.

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