(image credit: Kokuyo) Kokuyo X-VIZ Electronic Calculator | ¥5,250.00 | www.kokuyo.co.jp
do we really need a designer calculator? probably not but after sighting the Kokuyo X-VIZ, i conclude that i may need one after all. no, seriously. it’s my weakness for falling for beautiful products (every time, without fail), calculators included. at glance, the X-VIZ looks like a TV remote of sort and for a good reason. it is designed to be used with one hand only. you probably don’t use both hands to operate your TV remote, don’t you? so there you have it, a minimalist (and longish) one-hand operated calculator. incidentally, the designer behind this sweet product is the famed robot designer Tatsuya Matsui, or so i have heard.
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the 32 x 162 x 12 mm Kokuyo X-VIZ is set to go on sale from May 11 for ¥5,250 (about US$64). obviously, this will be available in Japan. however, if you are keen to get one, you can exercising your ‘shopping on the Internet know-how’ to find a way to lay your hands on one.
via CrunchGear