marking its newly launched Denim Studio, the Limited Edition Denim Beats by Dre Studio Headphones is part of the UK retail giant Selfridges’ collaborative efforts with Beats by Dre, featuring a rad denim print on the headphones. each pair of these Beats audio cans will come with a matching hardshell carrying case made of raw denim. apart from that, expect to find the usual Beats Studio Headphones features such as active noise canceling powered by a pair of AA batteries, a 3.5mm audio cable with inline remote and integrated microphone, plush earcups wrapped with ultra soft breathable materials, foldable design for convenient storage, and last but not the least, a conveniently located mute button on the cans itself so that you can yak away without having to take the comfy cans off. denim jeans and/or denim suit jacket is/are entirely up to your discretion.
available now from Selfridges departmental store’s Denim Studio in London, as well as globally via Selfridges e-store for a grand price of £269, or about US$412, based on what Google tells us at the time of this writing. have a look at some close ups after the break.
Selfridges via Freshness