Lomography Petzval Portrait Lens
while lomography and today's photoshop prowess can recreate most awesome effects of the past, but there is one truly old school style that we can't replicate and that is the effect when using the 19th century Petzval lens, as developed by mathematician Professor Joseph Petzval (1807-1891) in 1840. the Petzval lens that Prof Petzval developed has spun off a totally unique photography art form

while lomography and today’s photoshop prowess can recreate most awesome effects of the past, but there is one truly old school style that we can’t replicate and that is the effect when using the 19th century Petzval lens, as developed by mathematician Professor Joseph Petzval (1807-1891) in 1840. the Petzval lens that Prof Petzval developed has spun off a totally unique photography art form, featuring sharp and crisp center, strong color saturation, swirly bokeh effect, artful vignettes, along with narrow depth of field. if you are into analog photography, you must agree that this awesome effect cannot be repeated again using modern equipment – until now. Lomography, the all-thing-analog imaging company, is reviving the Petzval lens with modern day 21st century touches and they are calling it the Lomography Petzval Portrait Lens.

this awesome lens of brass construct is designed for use with all Nikon F and Canon EF mount analog and digital SLR cameras, and allowing you to get the unique Petzval look regardless whether you are using a 35mm camera or a modern DSLR. the lens is designed and built in collaboration between Lomography and the optics specialist at the Zenit factory in Russia, and each lens uses a traditional Waterhouse aperture system with a set of stops allowing you to shoot with varying aperture to suit your style and the scenario. by now you should have already guessed that this is isn’t a concept, which is a good news for avid shutterbug looking to take their photography to the next level. Lomography has yet again, bringing an awesome product to Kickstarter and seeking your support to make it a reality and a reality it will sure to be as the project is already 396 percent funded.

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to secure yourself one, all you have to do is to make a pledge of $400 or more (we heard final retail is set to be $499) and wait – wait for the project to be concluded (August 24) and for February 2014 to come to see this baby at your doorstep. check out a irresistible pitch video after the break to learn more, or hit up the Petzval Portrait Lens microsite to read more. scroll down for a few more look.