ok, this isn't exactly the newest news but i'm still awe by the reality of human flight - that is with a human jetpack. with the Martin jetpack, you can make your james bond dream come true. capable of ceiling of 8000 feet (2438 meters) and a range of 31.5 miles (approximately 50...
Martin Jetpack | US$tba | martinjetpack.com
ok, this isn’t exactly the newest news but i’m still awe by the reality of human flight – that is with a human jetpack. with the Martin jetpack, you can make your james bond dream come true. capable of ceiling of 8000 feet (2438 meters) and a range of 31.5 miles (approximately 50 kilometers) at a top speed of 63 miles an hour (101 km/h), it will get you to work minus the traffic jam. this provides a new meaning to taking short-cuts. that is if you can find a place to land & park this thing, securely. make sure you get your crease-free shirt to go with it. now, where do i store my brief case…
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UPDATE [August 14th, 2012]: latest remote flight test video.