i.Con Smart Condom Sexual Intercourse Tracker by British Condoms

There’s nothing to be ashamed about having sexual intercourse, however, I am not too sure if being “not ashamed” equates to sharing your sexual statistics with the rest of the world. In any case you do have this inner desire to ‘show off’ your on-bed performance, then British Condoms’ i.Con Smart Condom is what you need. Though it is called a ‘condom’, i.Con Smart Condom is not actually a condom; it is a ring that sits over a condom at the base and it works to track your on-bed performance like the number thrusts made, speed of the thrusts, how long the session lasts, how hot is your junk, the positions, frequency, and more. Basically, it will answer all the burning questions you may have with regards to your sexual prowess, or the lack thereof.

Thanks to modern day’s technology, i.Con Smart Condom can collate those data and if you so choose to, you can share it with your friends, or you can see how your bed skills stack up against the people from around the world. Wait. Seriously, why would anyone wants to do that? Then again, I guess this is totally beyond a mere mortal like me and its real intend is best reserved for the sex connoisseurs. Maybe. A side note, though; unless you choose to share your performance details, the data collected will be kept anonymous. If i.Con Smart Condom works as advertised, well, then we are obliged to think that it is essentially the Fitbit of sexual intercourse.

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British Condoms has opened its book for pre-orders as we speak, but before you whip out your credit card for this “Fitbit for your man bits,” you will have to know that this £59.99 (approximately US$74) sex gadget has not firm date of availability. However, the British company promised that you won’t be charged until the product has a firm release.

Image: British Condoms.

British Condoms via Cnet.