perhaps there is an ongoing secret 'battle' for the development of power suit or exoskeleton. if...

Panasonic Power Loader Light
(photo source: Activelink Power Loader Light | approx. US$233,000
perhaps there is an ongoing secret ‘battle’ for the development of power suit or exoskeleton. if Lockheed Martin’s HULC and Raytheon’s Exoskeleton suit’s military application does not turned you on, then you peace loving (and logistic nuts, alike) will love this piece of news. Activelink, a power assisted devices arm of Panasonic, announced the Power Loader Light, a light-version of their original (in development) Power Loader (which will not be ready till 2015).
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as the name suggest, it’ s a skinned down power loader i.e. with less bulk but still let you perform what a power loader should. the suit, weighing in at 38kg, is designed to boost the power of the legs of the operator. good news is, the suit is available for purchase at a grand sum of US$233,000. looks like you don’t need to be Tony Stark to own one of this Iron Man’s long distance relative.

from the source photo, you may notice it’s has no lifting capability – you are dead right. a Power Loader that doesn’t lift. strange isn’t it? nevertheless, it is certainly exciting that exoskeleton suit like those used by Sigourney Weaver in the movie Aliens (1986) could be an reality in near future.

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via CrunchGear