Pocketalk Two-Way Translation Device

Having language barriers when traveling? You probably won’t if bring along the newest Pocketalk Two-Way Translation Device. With the ability to translate between 74 languages (!) and improved software processing speed for immediate translations, language barriers will be non existence.

Communication with others who speak a different language is a mere push of the button. Not even text, written word and signs will stop you from communicating and getting around – thanks to the built-in camera, it can instantly recognize text, written word and signs to the language of your choosing.

Pocketalk Two-Way Translation Device

Moreover, it now support a wider mobile band which should enable stronger data signal across the world. Last but not least, Pocketalk Two-Way Translation Device is more than just a handy language translator; it does currency exchanges, and it does conversion for length, width and temperature too.

Finally, the newest language translation device from Pocketalk is also smaller and lighter in size and yet, it now has a 16 percent large touch surface for improved legibility and usage.

Pocketalk is now accepting pre-orders for its latest two-way translation device for $299. Shipping is expect to start on March 16, 2020. If you happen to be visiting Las Vegas from January 7-10, you can pop by Pocketalk booth (#42364) in The Sands, Halls A-D, at CES 2020, to check out the device in person.

Pocketalk Two-Way Translation Device

Images: Pocketalk.